Lamb Trade Remains Strong – IFA
IFA National Sheep Chairman Sean Dennehy said the lamb trade remains strong with factories paying €5.50 to €5.60/kg to get stock and top prices of €5.70/kg paid for larger lots.
He said moves by some plants to lower quotes and stall the strong rise in prices was meeting strong resistance from feeders. He said compared to this time last year prices were running about 20/25c/kg above last year’s price.
Sean Dennehy said the weekly kill has dropped back well with total numbers at 44,035 for week ending Feb 5th, compared to 52,081 for the same week last year. For this week the lamb/hogget numbers are down to 35,414 compared to 43,021 for the same week last year. In addition, the ewe kill is also down 5% on the week to 8,620 head.
The IFA Sheep Farmers leader said numbers are expected to continue to tighten this spring and with Easter and Ramadan coming close together in late April and early May, the market should remain very buoyant.