Beef & Sheep UpdateCattleSheep

Beef & Sheep Update 21st August

Cattle and Sheep in Wicklow field

€50m Beef Finishers Payment

  • IFA National Livestock Chairman Brendan Golden is encouraging farmers to apply for the Beef Finisher payment scheme without delay.
  • IFA has created a dedicated step-by-step guide to help farmers to apply to the scheme.
  • Closing date 9th September 2020.
  • Step by step guide:
  • Dedicated hub:
  • Contact: [email protected] 01 4260340

Reminder: BDGP Deadline Is Approaching

For those involved in the BDGP, ICBF have sent out a report informing you of your current compliance level with the programme. Those currently borderline compliant (0-2 animals above requirement) should consider obtaining some ‘buffer’ eligible animals in case of an unexpected animal death.  Those who are currently non-compliant (herds short of 50% target) should review their options.

ICBF have created a live ‘Mart Tracker’ which allows you to see what BDGP heifers (genotyped and 4/5 stars) are being traded in marts across the country on the same day. ICBF are also currently working on a ‘Farm to Farm’ element of the app to help farmers identify eligible heifers. Keep an eye out for dates of special sales in local marts which are being arranged by ICBF.

If in any doubt contact about eligibility contact ICBF at +353 (023) 8832883 or email at


  • Prices: 20/08/2020. Steers €3.65/3.70. Heifers €3.70/3.75. Cows €3.00/3.50/kg.
  • Supplies: 34,708 cattle slaughtered this week, of which steers were 16,707 (48%), heifers 9,747 (28%), young bulls 1,409 (4%) and cows 6,200 (18%). Total YTD slaughter is 1,086,539 compared to 1,112,779 in 2019, a 2.4% decrease.
  • Official Prices: Irish R3 steer prices were €3.71/kg excluding VAT. Heifers R3 €3.75/kg. Y Bulls O/R/U €3.39/€3.55/€3.69/kg. Cows O/R €2.97/3.16/kg.
  • UK Cattle Prices: AHBD report that UK cattle prices increased again last week. The average UK steer price for week ending August 15th was at £3.71/kg, equivalent to €4.15/kg.
  • Official Prices as Reported to the European Commission: Wk 33 (10/08/2020 – 16/08/2020). R3 Young Bulls c/kg excl vat; EU Average €3.50/kg, Ireland €3.55/kg, Germany €3.63/kg, France €3.63/kg, Spain €3.35/kg, Austria €3.49/kg Italy €3.47/kg Poland €3.02/kg. Steer Prices; Ireland €3.66/kg, UK €4.13/kg. EU Cow price €2.81/kg, +1.23c/kg. EU Heifers price €3.64/kg, + 2.16c/kg.
  • Live Exports: 3,231 cattle were exported in the week commencing 10/8/2020. 1,612 to EU (Except NI). Live exports for 2020 amount to 206,051 compared to 239,336 in 2019.


  • Lamb Prices: 20/08/2020. Lambs €5.20/5.30. Producer groups up to €5.35 with bonuses. Ewes €2.60/2.80.
  • Supplies: Wk 33 (10/08/2020 – 16/08/2020). 52,586 sheep were slaughtered at Sheep export premises Week commencing 10/8/2020 compared to 66,960 in the same week 2019. Sheep slaughterings for 2020 are 5.8% up on 2019 at 1,758,056 head.
  • Live Trade: Total live exports stood at 1,835 head to the end of June 2020.
  • Select and Sell: As always, the advice is to move lambs as they become fit.
  • UK Lamb Prices: Lamb price for last week was £4.65/kg, which equates to €5.16/kg.
  • Imported Lambs: IFA actively pursuing the DAFM to publish statistics on lambs being imported into Ireland.
  • Base Price: Farmers should be mindful that the base price does not reflect the price paid to farmers at the moment. When you add the QA bonus, considerably more can be achieved.The IFA has taken this up with MII as it reduces the price to producer groups. At this stage, the base price is so far removed from reality, it’s unfit for purpose.

Storm Ellen Damage?

  1. Check your policy: What you’ll be covered for will depend largely on what options you have included under your policy.
  2. Safety: Farmers can make emergency repairs to their buildings, but should take great care to avoid injury. If there are emergency repairs to be made farmers should get a contractor to do it.
  3. Repairs: Before any work is carried out you need to take photographs and keep any damaged materials so that your insurer can inspect them afterwards but absolutely make necessary emergency repairs. You can use a contractor of your choosing but it is important to make sure that they are insured and if you are unsure then contact your insurer who can check.
  4. Dairy Equipment cover: If damage has been done dairy equipment over the past week, it is worth checking our policy to see if the repairs are covered.
  5. Losses: Depending on your policy, certain cover exists for livestock. Storm cover is available for livestock, flood cover and electrocution cover is also available.

Masks Mandatory in Marts from Monday

  • IFA are encouraging farmers to follow all Government guidelines to stay safe while trading in the mart.
  • This includes practicing physical distancing, hand hygiene and wearing a mask in marts across the country.
  • Wearing of face coverings will be mandatory in marts from Monday 24th In the mean time, voluntary wearing a mask in marts is recommended

Contact Us: [email protected] / 01 4260340

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