IFA Delegation Meets Teagasc to Highlight Farmers’ Concern on Charges

IFA Deputy President Tim O’Leary this week led a delegation in a meeting with Teagasc to highlight farmer concerns in relation to the new charging system for discussion groups and to seek clarity on charges for GLAS plans.
In relation to GLAS, the delegation received confirmation that the total payment would be €435 in year one and €465 in year two, with no additional payment for the life of the plan.
Tim O’Leary called on Teagasc to reduce the fee for farmers with a lower number of hectares. “Where a common plan has to be done, the overall fee for individual farmers involved in commonages should not exceed €900 for the five-year plan.”
The delegation also raised concerns in relation to the new payment system for farmers who participate in discussion groups such as BTAP and STAP. Following a constructive discussion, Teagasc agreed to take on board these concerns in the context of the overall level of annual fees for Teagasc customers.