PotatoPotato Market Reports

Potato Market Update 14th April

Markets remain largely unchanged this week. Restrictive measures have eased slightly as schools are now fully re-opened, although it appears that it will still be some time before restaurants reopen for outdoor dining. Good quality packing stocks continue to tighten, with premium prices commanded for remaining Kerr Pinks and Golden Wonders. Kinder weather conditions have allowed good progress on the main crop planting proceedings, although frost is still present overnight. Again, growers are reminded to plant for their individual markets as it is almost certain that markets will continue to be disrupted for the upcoming season.

In the U.K. markets are improving as restrictive measures haves eased significantly. Across Europe, physical prices in the processing sector are very flat and top end values are harder to achieve as buyers for the main processors assess stocks and demand. Exports remain disappointing, with little demand from Eastern Europe where the excess stocks in Poland and the Ukraine are still being cleared.

Rooster box €320€380€350
Rooster 10 kg €3.30€3.80€3.50
Whites Box€300€350€320
 Kerr Pinks€5.00€5.50€5.30
Golden Wonder€6€6.50€6.20

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