The Irish pig price dropped 4c/kg last Friday week in some plants and this week, some remaining plants took the same price drop. This drop is resulting in quotes for this week ranging from €1.48c/kg up to €1.52 or €1.50 – €1.54/kg in cases. Throughput last week was 74,291 total which was up just over 7000 on the previous week’s throughput.
Meanwhile, the urgency on issuing work permits for Non-EEA remains a priority for all concerned, and the IFA are meeting with the Department of Trade, Enterprise and Employment this week to discuss the issuing of permits which are crucial at this point. The labour required is not available within the EU and the backlog of pigs must be addressed. High feed price, rise in the cost of energy, and an increase in variable costs are pushing farmers into negative margins. Pig prices have fallen in the EU and UK this week for the most part.
Export Plants
Top prices on a flat rate basis.
<= €1.48/kg-€1.52c/kg in Rosderra and Kepak
<= €1.50/kg – €1.54/kg in Dawn Pork & Bacon
<=€1.50/kg -€ 1.54/kg in Staunton’s
€0.46- €0.48 c/kg