Restoration of Roads Goodwill Payment Critical to Landowners Impacted by New Road Developments
Minister of State at the Department of Transport, Michael Ring has announced the restoration of a roads goodwill payment, as part of an overall package of measures for landowners affected by road schemes. This follows detailed discussions between the Department of Transport, the Irish Farmers’ Association and the National Roads Authority.
This announcement will result in up to €5 million being provided to landowners on road schemes in counties Mayo, Sligo and Monaghan whose farm holdings have been severely impacted to facilitate new road developments.
Minister Ring said, “I am delighted on behalf of the Government to be in a position to continue the roads goodwill payment for farmers who have had lands compulsorily taken. Landowners on road schemes that are at pre-CPO stage will receive a goodwill package of €3,000 per acre as part of their compensation”.
IFA President Eddie Downey has welcomed the announcement, which will ensure that the full impact of new road developments and the ongoing disruption is fairly compensated for.
While this agreement, in principle, will deliver immediately to farmers impacted by road developments in counties Mayo, Sligo and Monaghan, it will also make a significant contribution to future compensation received by farmers on other schemes around the country.
The IFA President has encouraged Minister Ring and Minister for Finance Michael Noonan to conclude discussions regarding the re-introduction of roll-over relief for farmers who re-invest the compensation in the farm businesses. “This is an important measure to support the farmers who try to rebuild their farm holdings, which are often left seriously fragmented after a CPO. It was also recommended by the Commission on Taxation as part of their review of the taxation of CPO compensation and it will support the on-going development of the sector.”
IFA National Environment Committee Chairman Harold Kingston said, “The CPO process can be an extremely difficult experience for many farm families, often resulting in farm holdings being carved into several parcels. This agreement builds on the success of existing agreements, which date back to 2001 and provide a mechanism to efficiently deliver a modern road network, while safeguarding the entitlements of landowners affected”.