PotatoPotato Market Reports

Potato Market Update 5th July

Retail demand and consumption remain stable and unchanged on recent weeks. Yields of Queens continue to be reported average at best with a lot of regional variability and demand remains strong for early material. Recent rainfall has helped main season crops; however, they are still very much behind schedule. A potato blight advisory is in effect, with recent weather condition conducive to blight.

In Europe, old crop material is increasingly tight and stronger ex farm prices were quoted again last week, particularly in Germany where values had been lagging slightly. Prices have been pushed higher, mainly by peelers who produce chilled fries for immediate use. In the U.K. rainfall levels are highly variable. Irrigated crops look “full of potential” but quality issues such as common scab are more widespread than last year. 

Rooster box€480€530€500
Rooster 10 kg €5€5.50€5.25

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