PotatoPotato Market Reports

Potato Market Update 12th July

Consumption is holding well for this time of the year especially with the colder, wet weather recently experienced. Old season stocks continue to tighten significantly with strong demand for any packing material remaining. Rainfall has certainly helped this seasons Rooster crops, but they are still at least three weeks behind last year’s crops. The demand and price for Queens remain buoyant.

Rainfall has been experienced throughout Europe, with totals of 20mm skirted through Northern France, and into Belgium, Holland and Denmark last week, where totals increased to 35 and 50mm. Old crop movement is now coming to a close and markets are currently being supported by imports from Israel and Egypt, both in the fresh and crisp sector. Parts of the U.K. recorded the first ‘measurable’ rainfall in two months last weeks.

Rooster box€480€530€500
Rooster 10 kg€5€5.50€5.25

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