Pig Market ReportsPigs

Pig Market Update 27th September

There was no change to Irish pig prices last Friday with farmers reporting quotes of €2.33- €2.37 available from processors in ROI.

The weekly throughput figures for ROI for week ending the 24th of September was 60,929 of which 1,495 were sows. 

Irish live pig exports to the north are back significantly this year. From the period Jan – September 16th (22 vs 23), live exports are back a total of 39,918 pigs representing a decline of 14.8%. 

The average European price for a grade E carcass pig for week 36 was 228.7c/kg which is 8% higher than prices for the same week last year according to the Commission, however, it is back .2% on last week’s average price and 3.4% on last month’s prices.  

 Wheat prices increased slightly over the weekend with some concerns over Southern Hemisphere wheat crops as hot and dry weather impacts Australia and Argentina. Irish pigmeat exports have declined as expected in volume and in value. Volume has reduced by 20% however and value is back 8.7% from JAN-JULY

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