PotatoPotato Market Reports

Potato Market Update 4th October


Home consumption and retail demand remains steady and colder weather should see a boost in consumption. Harvest conditions are very difficult at present and it is shaping up to be one of the most difficult harvests in recent times unless conditions change quickly. Waterlogging, bacterial soft rots and deep tramlines are evident in many fields while there seems to be an above normal amount of cracking in crops.

In Europe, Fresh market prices are more stable this week. There is export demand from Spain and Italy, but buyers are waiting for prices to settle and more supplies to be offered before making any commitments. Recent test digs show that growth rates have started to slow down and that gross yields are around or slightly below average. Buyers in the Canaries are reported to be desperate for fresh stock. Exporters are cautious as they wait to see how regulations on labelling and soil adhesion will be interpreted. In the U.K. harvest is reported to be at least two weeks behind schedule. 

Rooster box (new season)€600€650€625
Rooster 10kg (new season)€7.50€8€7.75
Kerr Pinks 10kg (new season)€8€9€8.5
Markie wholesale (chipping) 25kg bag€11.50€12.50€12

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