There was no announced change in Irish pig prices last Friday with farmers reporting quotes of at least €2.16 – €2.20 available from processors in ROI.
The average European price for a grade E carcass pig for week 12 was €2.18/kg (Excluding vat), which is still behind by -6.4% on prices for the same week last year according to the Commission but is up 3.1% on last month’s average price. The Standard pig price in UK as of 23/3/24 was £2.11/kg (equivalent to €2.47 vat inclusive.)
The weekly throughput for week ending the 31st of March was 67489, of which 1913 were sows.
The European sow herd when comparing 2020 vs 2023 has declined by -6%. Notable reductions for the period are Germany -17%, Denmark -11%, France -12% and Poland -19%. While the Spanish sow herd has increased by 6% and the Dutch sow herd has only decreased 1% over the period.
On Tuesday the 16th, the National Pig Health Symposium will be held in the Curragh, Kildare from 3pm. Guest speakers include Bernard Jackman, Professor John O’Doherty and Peter van der Voorst. Registration is open and available on the IPHS website.