
IFA Remind All Sheep Farmers to Apply to National Sheep Welfare Scheme as Deadline Approaches

IFA National Sheep Chair Adrian Gallagher is reminding farmers that the deadline date to apply for the National Sheep Welfare Scheme is next Tuesday, May 21st 2024. Applications can be made on line at or through an advisor.

More information on the National Sheep Welfare Scheme can be found here.

He said the scheme is practical in design and compatible with good farm practice paying farmers €8/ewe for carrying out the two measures.

Farmers choose one option from each of the two categories provided, the measures supported are shearing or body condition scoring in category 1 and plunge dipping or clostridial vaccination in category 2.

He said the scheme was established following intense lobbying by IFA throughout 2023 and is a positive step building towards a €30/ewe payment. 

The IFA National Sheep Chair said the welfare scheme offers practical and valuable support to farmers, enhancing flock management and welfare practises and it is important that all sheep farmers participate in the scheme.

Adrian Gallagher has urged all sheep farmers to apply for this very important support for the sector.

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