Pig Market ReportsPigs

Pig Market Update 20th August

There was no announced change to Irish pig prices on Friday and producers are reporting quotes of at least €2.38 – €2.40 available from processors in ROI, with some pig farmers reporting up to €2.45/kg available across the island.

The weekly throughput for week ending August 18th and as reported by the Dept. of Agriculture, Food & the Marine, was 65,303 of which 1,382 were sows. 

Bord Bia’s primary pigmeat exports for the current year (Jan to June) have increased by 1.9% in value when compared with the same period in 2023. For the first six months of 2024, the most valuable export markets for Irish primal pigmeat included the United Kingdom, the EU27, and Asia, with the UK seeing significant growth both in value, from €61.1 million in 2023 to €70.9 million in 2024, and in volume, from 61,083 tonnes to 70,905 tonnes. The EU27 also showed strong performance, particularly in Poland and France. However, exports to Asia, particularly China, saw declines in both value (from €90.4 million to €76.6 million) and volume (from 90,443 tonnes to 76,574 tonnes). The key differences from last year include the substantial decline in the Chinese market and increased exports to the UK and EU.

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