InputsWater Charges

Taoiseach Must Pause Plans to Increase Water Charges 

IFA President Francie Gorman has written to An Taoiseach Simon Harris to seek a pause on plans to increase water charges on Oct 1st.

“In light of the comments made by An Taoiseach at the Ploughing last week that he intends to use the Apple tax rebate to invest in water infrastructure, the proposed increase to water charges should be paused,” said Mr. Gorman. 

IFA has consistently made representations to demonstrate the unfairness of Uisce Éireann’s planned increases, which nearly double the standing charges for water connections. 

“Given the difficult economic situation on farms, with income down 34% in 2024. Increasing water charges at this time will exacerbate an already difficult cashflow situation on farms.”

He said the proposed increased will disproportionately impact our most economically vulnerable farmers who operate extensive farms with fragmented holdings and multiple water connections with very low usage rates.

“These planned increases come at a time when farmers are being asked to co-operate with a major infrastructural project to pipe water from the River Shannon to Dublin. This water will be provided free of charge, while water charges to farmers are going to be increased.”

He concluded this is unfair and is seen so by farmers. The Taoiseach must intervene to pause plans to introduce increases. 

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