Beef & Sheep UpdateCattleCattle PricesSheepSheep Prices

Beef & Sheep Update 24th October

Cattle and Sheep in Wickow Field

Beef Update

IFA Livestock Chair Declan Hanrahan said beef prices are edging upwards, but more is needed from the market. UK prices have also increased again in the past week and are currently over €1/kg above our price. Declan Hanrahan said the gap in beef prices with our key markets is not acceptable and must be closed immediately. “Demand for beef is strong and will only increase further as supplies in the UK and EU are tight, contributing to the higher prices in these destinations,” he said. Base prices of €5.10kg and €5.15kg for steers and heifers are available this week and when pushed factories are paying 5c/kg to 10c/kg above quotes to secure supplies. Cow prices have also increased with prices now ranging from €4.40kg to €5.00kg depending on the grade. He said prices paid by factory agents in marts are frequently above what some factories are offering and is a credible alternative for farmers unable to secure the higher factory prices. “The market justifies further increases in beef prices and factories must close the gap with the Bord Bia prime export benchmark price and align prices based on the strength of our key markets we are exporting into,” he concluded.

Beef Price Update 24/10/2024

Base Quotes Steer €5.10/5.25kg. Heifers €5.15/5.30kg. Higher deals and flat prices for larger and specialist lots. Y Bulls R/U €5.20/5.40Kg. Cows €4.40/5.00kg.

Supply Figures as Reported by DAFM – WK 42 (20.10.2024)

AnimalNumberChange prev wk% of totalYTDYTD Change
Y Bulls1,413▲1713%87,244▼-7,709 
Steer17,185▼-1,134 42%554,734▼-8,151 
Heifer11,756▼-143 29%409,688▲17,281
Total40,777▼-420 100%1,446,749▲3,665

Official Irish Prices as Reported by DAFM – WK 42 (20.10.2024)

c/kg (Incl. VAT)U3Change prev wkR3Change prev wkO3Change prev wkP+3Change prev wk
Y Bulls536▲2527▲0511▲2490▼-5 

Official GB Prices as Reported by AHDB

 SteersSteersHeifersHeifersY bullY bullCow
Price in c/kg (Incl VAT)640.7644.0638.3643.9625.3625.7468.6

Euro Price for the Most Recent Week  (€/KG Deadweight excl. VAT)

Country & Type202207.10.202310.12.2024
EU + Y BullsNot Available€ 4.85€ 5.31
IE + SteersNot Available€ 4.62€ 5.05
UK + Steers Not Available€ 5.56€ 6.11

Live Cattle Exports 14th October

Source: Bord Bia

Sheep Update

IFA Sheep Chairman Adrian Gallagher said demand for lamb is strengthening as supplies start to tighten. He said factories have moved prices on 10c/kg this week as they struggle to match supplies with market demand. He said there are no surge of lambs coming through the system as total spring lamb throughput is running 8% behind last year’s levels. Throughput fell over 5,400 head for latest week indicating the shortage of supplies on the ground. Lamb prices are making from €7.40kg to €7.70kg on weights to 23kg. Cull ewes are making from €3.70kg to €4.20kg in general. He said its important factories continue this upward trajectory in prices to maintain confidence in the sector.  Adrian Gallagher said factories are very anxious for lambs and factories should sell hard while moving lambs as they become fit.

Lamb Price Update 24/10/2024

Spring Lamb €7.40kg/7.70kg. Weights to 23kg. Higher deals groups/larger lots. Ewes €3.80/4.20/kg.

Supply Figures as Reported by DAFM – WK 42 (20.10.2024)

AnimalFigureChangeYTDYTD Change
Lambs/Hoggets90▼-192 897,551▼-83,887 
Spring Lambs42,059▼-5,480 967,002▼-86,869 
Ewes and Rams7,377▲224231,489▼-37,192 
Light Lambs1▼-1 111▼-27 
TOTAL49,527▼-5,449 2,096,153▼-207,975 

Official Irish Prices as Reported by DAFM – WK 42 (20.10.2024)

c/kg (Incl. VAT)This week Change prev. wk2023Change prev. yr
National Avg Price861.14▲8675.73▲108
YTD Avg733.19▼-1 624.81▲111

Official GB Prices as Reported by AHDB

 R3L Overall SQQ*Type of lamb
12/10/2024619.5617.5New season Lamb
19/10/2024621.1618.5New season Lamb
Price in c/kg (Incl VAT)762.7759.51

Live Sheep Exports 15th October 2024

Source: Bord Bia

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