Tams Scheme Explained

The current tranche of TAMS closes on March 25th and the next tranche opens on March 28th – find out what’s involved in the scheme and how to apply.
TAMS provides grant aid of 40% for certain on-farm capital investments – 60% in the case of those who qualify as ‘Young Farmers’. The current tranche of TAMS closes on March 25, and the next opens for applications on March 26th.
Around 2,500 farmers have so far applied to TAMS and, following IFA pressure, the Department has commenced approvals for priority dairy and low emission slurry spreading cases. However, many have been awaiting approval for six months; it is vitally important that all farmers who have applied for TAMS investment are given the go-ahead without further delay particularly as the weather is now improving so that investments can take place.
What’s involved?
Currently, TAMS schemes are available for farm nutrient storage, animal housing, dairy equipment, low emission spreading equipment, animal welfare and farm safety, pig and poultry investments, and organic capital investment.
IFA pressed for further funding opportunities and amendments to Ireland’s Rural Development Programme to include sheep fencing, grain storage, precision and low impact tillage equipment and rainwater harvesting have been submitted to the EU Commission. These are likely to be approved shortly.
Making an application
Applications to TAMS must be made online. The TAMS budget is divided into tranches, so ranking of applications takes place on a tranche basis. Unsuccessful eligible application are carried over the following tranche. The scheme should remain open until December 2020, and IFA will be arguing for further changes.
Payment will issue within three weeks once it has been determined that that approved work has been completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the scheme.
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