Responsibility on Minister Creed to Secure Share of Increased Budget Funding

Commenting on reports that additional funding is available for Budget 2017, IFA President Joe Healy said it is critical that Minister for Agriculture Minister Michael Creed ensures agriculture benefits from an increased allocation.
Joe Healy said, “In this very difficult year for farming, IFA is clear that any additional resources should be made available to bring forward the commitment contained in the Programme for Government for an increase of €25m in ANC funding.
“ANC payments are crucial support for farmers in marginal areas, and provide a direct funding injection for the rural economy. This funding is critically important for low income farming sectors particularly in a year with low prices and persistent difficult weather conditions.”
Joe Healy also called on the Minister to make a case in Budget negotiations for a top-up for farmers who missed out due to not meeting the criteria to qualify under the National Reserve or Young Farmer scheme.