IFA Welcomes Oireachtas Support for Changes to Litter Laws

IFA Environment and Rural Affairs Chairman Thomas Cooney has welcomed the support received from TDs and Senators for the Association’s call for changes to current littering laws in Ireland.
Speaking after an address to the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Rural Affairs this week he said, “Members of the Committee have supported IFA’s call on Environment Minister Denis Naughten, to change the existing legislation, which currently holds farmers legally responsible for the rubbish recklessly dumped on their lands by those who use the countryside as a tipping ground.
“It is just not acceptable that any farmer should be held accountable and responsible for cleaning up after others. This serial dumping, particularly on the outskirts of towns and villages, undermines the great work done by IFA members and community groups across the country who make great efforts to keep the countryside clean.”
IFA has also called for the introduction of stronger penalties to be imposed on anyone who dumps litter out of cars, along roadside verges or on farm land.