Farm Safety Educational Initiative
Farm safety continues to be a huge issue on farms nationwide with 22 fatalities recorded in 2011. Now that the summer has begun, children will be spending more time in the countryside during the busiest time of the farming year, and child safety must be to the forefront of everybody’s mind.
Agri Aware in association with FBD, the IFA and ESB Networks have just launched a Farm and Countryside Safety educational initiative which will run from May to December 2012. Launched earlier this week by Mr Shane McEntee TD, Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine in Family Farm (developed by Agri Aware and Dublin Zoo) in Dublin Zoo, the project aims to increase awareness of potential dangers on the farm and to reduce the number of farm accidents.
This week, primary schools nationwide will receive their health and safety pack which includes details of Agri Aware’s safety calendar competition which challenges students to draw or paint a picture/artwork that depicts farm safety. A selection of entries will then be exhibited in the Family Farm classroom with the top 12 submissions featuring in the safety calendar which will be distributed to primary schools across the country in December 2012. A large safety awareness poster and a safety trail that can be completed either in Family Farm or online at is also included.