Lamb Trade Remains Steady
IFA National Sheep Chairman John Lynskey said the lamb trade is remaining steady, with factories paying €6.00 to tops of €6.15/kg for spring lamb.
He said factories have made the changeover and supplies remain tight, leaving agents anxious for lambs. In addition, he said factories will be eager to source adequate supplies for Ramadan, which starts on May 27th.
John Lynskey said hoggets are making €5.10 with more for quality larger lots. He said ewes are making €2.70/kg.
John Lynskey said the weekly kill for week ending May 7th was 46,000 head, of which 14,371 were spring lambs. He said to date this year the kill is up 104,783 head reflecting a big increase in hoggets and cull ewes. He added that this is a 13% increase on 2016 levels.