
New Bord Bia Promotion Campaign Will Drive Increased Demand for Lamb

Sheep in Wicklow

IFA National Sheep Chairman Sean Dennehy said the 2018 Bord Bia lamb promotional campaign on the domestic market, which kicks off on June 18th, should provide a major boost to lamb sales throughout the summer and autumn months.

He said all of the supermarkets have now moved over to new season lamb and retail promotions have commenced.

Sean Dennehy said IFA recently met with the Bord Bia sheep meat team to discuss the detail of the 2018 campaign. He said Bord Bia has developed a new TV ad for the lamb campaign this year, which is geared at getting the entire family eating more lamb. This will be augmented with an EU lamb promotion during July and September.

The IFA sheep farmer leader said the 2018 lamb promotion campaign will have four separate waves of advertising/promotions involving seven weeks of TV advertising and four weeks of outdoor advertising and digital media.

The EU campaign involves the Try It, Love It theme for lamb, geared at younger consumers.

Sean Dennehy said the Muslim festival of Ramadan on May 15th certainly helped the trade over recent weeks. The other major Muslim festival of Eid falls on August 21st. this year.

Bord Bia Campaign Duration Dates
T V ad 4 weeks June 18th – July 16th.
EU Lamb Promotion 2 weeks July 16th – July 29th.
EU Lamb Promotion 2 weeks Sept 3rd. -Sept 16th.
TV ad 3 weeks Sept 17th. – Oct 7th.

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