GLASRural Development

Minister’s Refusal to Allow Change to Meadow Cutting Dates Under GLAS Inexplicable

IFA Rural Development Chairman Joe Brady has criticised the refusal by the Minister for Agriculture Michael Creed to allow farmers who have the traditional hay meadow measure in GLAS to cut their meadows now rather than have to wait until July 1st.

He said, “The excellent weather and ground conditions at the moment are ideal for cutting to take place now. This will ensure farmers can maximise fodder conservation, which is critical following the significant depletion of fodder stocks last winter and spring”.

The IFA Rural Development Chairman said the inaction by the Minister mirrors the stance he adopted during the fodder crisis last winter and has left farmers very frustrated that he does not understand the practicalities of farming.

Joe Brady said the land is now in good condition to conserve fodder but this could change quickly, particularly on heavy soils.

He said the Minister must allow as much flexibility in GLAS as possible so that farmers are in a strong position with fodder for next winter.

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