Quicker Test Results Will Be Vital in Keeping the Food Supply Chain Open

IFA President Tim Cullinan said that faster turnaround times for COVID tests will be important in ensuring that we keep essential services like the food supply chain functioning.
“The priority during the COVID crisis must remain the health of everybody in society. However, we also need to keep essential services such as food production operating,” he said
“We should continue to be guided by the public health authorities. They should decide on the appropriate course of action where cases occur,” he said.
“However, it is clear that the quick turnaround of test results will be crucial in keeping businesses open, or in getting them re-opened if the health authorities deem it appropriate and proportionate that they should close,” he said.
Any disruption to the food chain has implications for farmers, workers, suppliers and the local economy. “The meat processors must take every measure to safeguard their workers,” he said.