
Wool Crisis Must Be Resolved Urgently – IFA

IFA National Sheep Committee Chairman Sean Dennehy said the collapse in the wool market has resulted in shearing becoming a costly, but vital, task on sheep farms.

He said the return from wool does not justify the additional work for farmers associated with packing and presenting it for sale.

Sean Dennehy said shearing has now become a significant production cost on farms.

“This is unacceptable; shearing must happen to protect the health and welfare of the flock. Wool is a natural, sustainable and environmentally friendly product. Greater use of wool should be encouraged, and its true value recognised.”

He said, “The €100,000 fund was committed to in the last Budget. This project and work identifying opportunities to add value to wool must move ahead as a matter of urgency”.

IFA will be engaging directly with Minister Hackett and Department officials to progress the issue.

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