Deadlines for BDGP 1 and BEEP-S Approaching

IFA Livestock Chairman Brendan Golden has reminded farmers of the approaching deadlines for key measures in both the BDGP 1 and BEEP-S schemes.
Brendan Golden said farmers in BDGP 1 must meet the female replacement 50% requirement for 4- or 5-star female animals on the holding by the 31st October.
He said farmers must have 50% of the reference number of animals for their herd meeting the 4- or 5-star requirement of females that are at least 16 months of age on the date and have been born in or after 2013.
In relation to BEEP-S, Brendan Golden said the key date is November 1st. Applicants must have the weighing component and the faecal egg count, if chosen, completed by this date.
IFA has called for flexibility from the Department on these dates given the disruption caused by the COVID-19 controls and the concerns of some farmers about attending marts or having service providers on their farms.
He said it is important payments are issued on time to all those meeting the requirements, but for farmers who are unable to do so the Department must provide a period of grace taking into account the unique situation that farmers have had to deal with this year.