Rural Development

Actions Needed to Follow Words in Strategic Dialogue on Future of Agriculture

IFA President Francie Gorman said farmers would be taking a cautious approach to the Strategic Dialogue launched in Brussels today.

“The motivation for the exercise is sound. There have been too many instances in the recent past where farmers were not listened to when regulations were drawn up. The decision to undertake this dialogue is recognition by the Commission that their approach has not been the correct one,” he said.

Francie Gorman said there are aspects of the dialogue that can underpin the discussions around the next CAP.

“Ursula von der Leyen has acknowledged and supports the strategic importance of agriculture and food production. Building on this will be crucial if we are to see the re-set that is needed,” he said.

Specifically, the IFA President said the EU Commission has to accept that there has to be a twin track approach: one to support food production and one to enhance climate action.

“Ultimately, we need to see actions matching the words here. Farmers must be allowed to farm, reducing the red tape and the growing administrative burden they face year on year,” Francie Gorman said.

“We look forward to working with the new EU Commission and the European Parliament in the design of a new CAP that returns to its fundamental ideals of supporting farmers in producing high-quality, world-class food for consumers that also delivers a fair and sufficient income,” he said.

Concluding, the IFA President acknowledged the references to the food chain and the role of the food producer in this. “If we don’t have a functioning food chain, then farmers will continue to exit.”

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