The average price of petrol and diesel has increased by approximately 30% and prices are poised to increase further in the coming months. Similarly, heating oil prices have approximately doubled since the start of the year. These increases have led to a surge in fuel theft.
An Garda Síochana have developed a list of tips to help prevent this.
- Whether domestic or commercial, above ground oil tanks and mobile fuel bowsers are most at risk of fuel theft
- Installing alarms, anti-siphoning devices, signage, security lighting and cctv can prevent and disrupt fuel thieves
- Commercial premises should implement fuel management systems to monitor fuel levels
- Keep fuel tanks visible. Remote tanks are at more risk
- Restrict access. Keep gates closed and locked when not in use
- Secure vehicles. Use fuel tank cap locks and anti-siphoning devices on vehicles and machinery
For more information see the Crime Prevention Section on the Garda website.