Commission Proposals Fly in the Face of Food Security Crisis

In response to the EU Commission’s proposed Industrial Emissions Directive seen by the IFA, IFA President Tim Cullinan said the proposals from the EU Commission are completely over the top.
The new Industrial Emissions Directive, which is due to be published next Tuesday, outlines proposals for tightening the current directive guidelines, while introducing new measures which would have serious consequences for the dairy, beef, poultry and pig sector.
“It’s outrageous to be including livestock grazing in fields within the scope of this directive, as well as drastically cutting the limits on the pig and poultry sectors,” he said.
“The EU Commission needs to realise that they need to be supporting farmers to produce food, rather than putting more barriers in their way,” he said.
“We have a food security crisis and the Commission is focusing on making food production more difficult. This proposal needs to be binned,” he said.