
Do You Have a Fire Plan to Protect Your Forest Plantation?

An Orange Forest Fire warning is in place from 14-21 May, which means there is a high risk of fire and forest owners should be prepared.

Do you have a fire plan?

IFA has a new fact sheet to help you prepare a Forest Fire Plan and reduce the risk of forest fires and protect your investment. Download it now!

Your fire plan should consist of:

  • a fire plan map
  • a location map
  • a note showing the location of necessary equipment, site features and contact details of people who can be called upon to help if a fire occurs

Fire Plan Map 

Forest access is vital for fire prevention and control, a fire can spread very rapidly during a period of high risk so it is important that people can access your plantation quickly. The map should include information on access, terrain and water

Reduce the risk of forest fire

The following actions are recommended to reduce the risk of fire and to protect your investment:

  • Firebreaks should be well maintained and checked at least once a year. A firebreak should constitute a fuel free zone of 6 metres in width, normally located along the external boundaries of the plantation. The presence of any flammable vegetation, such as purple moor grass, furze or heather, adjacent to the forest is a strong indication of risk and that a firebreak is required.
  • Under the Afforestation and Woodland Creation scheme, forest owners are obliged to replant where a forest is damaged by a fire. Forest owners should, therefore, consider the financial consequences and ensure that adequate insurance including reconstitution costs are in place.
  • Prepare your fire plan and review it regularly. List key contract numbers and discuss procedures with family members.
  • Raise awareness that it is illegal under the Wildlife (Amendment) Act 2000 to burn vegetation on uncultivated land between 1st March and 31st August.

Remember, if you see a fire or suspicious activity report it to the Fire and Emergency Services by calling 999 or 112

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