Rural Security

Farmer Concerns Over Carlingford-Dundalk Greenway

The IFA has highlighted the serious concerns of farmers over the proposed Carlingford to Dundalk Greenway project.

In a statement, Louth IFA chair Kevin Sweeney said “Greenways should be predominantly on State-owned public lands and avoid impacting on private farmland. The IFA is opposed to severance of farms or compulsory purchase orders (CPOs) for amenity projects like Greenways.”

Kevin Sweeney pointed out that the study area for the Carlingford to Dundalk Greenway includes c11,500 acres of agricultural lands and 128 farmyards are located in the area.

“Farmers are very fearful that the proposed project may see the Council attempting to acquire a significant area of private farmland for the Greenway. They are very concerned that the proposed Greenway may sever and divide some farms, which is not acceptable,” he said.

Kevin Sweeney said there was real anger and frustration expressed at the two recent public meetings attended by hundreds of people in Cooley. He said farmers highlighted the lack of proper consultation and the failure to understand and appreciate the impact of a Greenway on farms and farm families.

“Serious concerns were raised over many issues including privacy; security; litter; dogs; parking; animal disease and wildlife; costs; and environmental and other issues.”

Kevin Sweeney said the IFA will arrange a meeting with Louth County Council to clearly outline the strong views and concerns of farmers and landowners in respect of the project.

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