IFA Bring Revenue Commissioners to Visit Farm on VAT Issue
IFA hosted a visit from the Revenue Commissioners on the farm of former Deputy President Brian Rushe in Kildare to view items which IFA believe should still be eligible for a VAT 58 refund.
IFA Farm Business chair Bill O’Keeffe said IFA showed the Revenue that items such as meal bins, calf feeders, water piping/troughs, cubicle/slat mats and bulk tanks are an intrinsic part of farm infrastructure and should continue to qualify for a VAT refund.
IFA had met the Revenue Commissioners in February and made a detailed written submission, setting out why we believed certain structures should be included.
See Submission to the Revenue Commissioners Here.
On foot of the written submission, the Revenue Commissioners accepted an invitation to view items on a farm.
Speaking after the visit, Bill O’Keeffe said that IFA would continue to lobby politicians and engage with the Revenue Commissioners in advance their planned publication of a guidance note on the issue.
“Clarity would be welcome but it must be consistent with what has gone before. The Revenue have consistently said that they not changed their interpretation of the current Statutory Instrument that governs the exemption. If that is the case, we believe that the items we focused upon during the farm visit should continue to be included for VAT refunds,” he said.