IFA Calls for Payout of Sheep Welfare Monies and Meal Voucher Scheme for Sheep Flocks

IFA National Sheep Chairman Sean Dennehy has called on Minister Creed to direct the Department of Agriculture to immediately pay to farmers outstanding monies due under the Sheep Welfare scheme.
He said, “While this is a small amount, it could have a major impact at this very difficult time on sheep farms.”
Sean Dennehy said the Department has told IFA they can pay the outstanding Sheep Welfare monies from April 1st and it is important this happens this week.
The IFA Sheep Chairman said Minister Creed also needs to address the fodder difficulties on some sheep farms with a feed voucher scheme. He said this would be fast and effective in dealing with fodder difficulties, especially in sheep flocks at lambing and where there is a shortage of grass due to the very late spring.