
In-Person SCEP Training Must Be Accessible to All Farmers – IFA

IFA National Livestock Chair Declan Hanrahan said the in-person training events announced by the Minister for Agriculture Charlie McConalogue for farmers in SCEP must be easily accessible to all farmers.

Declan Hanrahan said suckler farmers in SCEP must have the training requirement of the scheme completed by 15th November 2024 to remain in the scheme.

He said the on-line facility provided to date has not been easily accessible for a significant number of farmers which has been recognised by the Minister in his announcement earlier this year to also provide in person events for farmers to meet the training requirement.

Declan Hanrahan has called on the Minister to announce the dates and venues for these events to ensure farmers have adequate time to arrange to attend these important events to remain compliant with the scheme requirements.

The IFA National Livestock Chair said in organising the venues the Minister must be cognisant of the areas where the greatest needs are and all farmers must be provided with a number of venue options within close proximity to their location. 

He said it will not be acceptable for the Minister or his officials to expect farmers to undertake long journeys to attend these events.

Declan Hanrahan said there must be a number of venues available to farmers in all counties and the dates and locations of these must be announced as soon as possible to allow farmers make arrangements to attend.

He said the SCEP payments are vital for suckler farmers and it is important the Minister ensures there are no unnecessary obstacles put in the way of farmers in meeting the scheme requirements.

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