Lamb Prices Hit €5.00/kg with Strong Market Demand
IFA National Sheep Committee Chairman John Lynskey said the lamb trade has improved with €5.00/kg widely available at the factories. He said strong Christmas market demand is the main driving factor for the improvement in the trade.
John Lynskey said carcase weights have also moved up with 22.5kgs to 23kgs now more common at the factories. He said some plants are paying to 23kgs carcase weight.
John Lynskey said lamb finishers have made a considerable investment in finishing lambs over recent months, especially through the bad weather conditions of September October and November. He said this involved feeding high costs rations to get the correct finish on lambs. He said producers must be rewarded for this investment and costs.
The IFA Sheep Chairman said the ewe trade has also moved on with prices of €2.70 to €2.80/kg on offer.
John Lynskey said he is receiving constant complaints over the way the factories are using increased supplies of Northern Ireland lamb imports to undermine prices.