Minister Healy-Rae to Address IFA National Horticulture and Potato Meeting

IFA Horticulture Chair Mark Walsh has announced that IFA will hold a national meeting for horticulture and potato growers next Tues, Feb 25th in the Irish Farm Centre at 7pm.
The new Minister of State with responsibility for Horticulture, Micheal Healy-Rae, will address the meeting.
The meeting will also discuss the major challenges in both sectors, with guest speakers from the Food Regulator, Teagasc, Bord Bia and DAFM attending.
Mark Walsh said it has been a difficult start to the year for many in the sector with recent storm damage compounded by wider challenges in the sector such as access to sustainable staffing, input cost challenges and market pressures.
“We have lost key growers in the past three years. The sector requires joined-up thinking from all Government Departments to address these issues, or this downward trend will continue,” he said.
All growers are encouraged to attend this important meeting of all horticulture commodities.