IFA Sets out Profit Plan for Livestock Sector
Speaking at the AGM in Dublin this week, IFA National Livestock Committee Chairman Michael Doran said while cattle prices and the prospects for our beef sector have improved this year, IFA is determined to see the sector returned to sustained profitability for farmers.
Michael Doran said profitability at farm level is essential if the beef and livestock sector is to achieve the 20% increase in output value targeted in the Food Harvest 2020 report.
The IFA livestock Chairman said the following key elements are required to deliver profitability at farm level;
Processors must close the price gap with the UK and our continental EU markets;
Increasing competition by maximising market access and live export opportunities;
Delivery by Bord Bia on promoting Brand Ireland to achieve pride of place on the supermarket shelf and a premium price for Irish beef;
Defending the Irish beef sector on the issue of Mercosur and EU import standards;
Securing the future of Direct Payments – the Single Farm Payment, Disadvantaged Areas, REPS, AEOS and the Suckler Welfare scheme;
Maintaining the national asset that is our 1 million Suckler cow herd; and
An effective Teagasc programme and an ICBF beef breeding strategy to deliver improved productivity and efficiency at farm level.
Michael Doran said as well as relentlessly pursuing processors and retailers for an increase in cattle prices to viable levels, IFA will vigorously pursue the key elements outlined above to drive profitability at farm level for beef and livestock farmers.