Tams Underspend Must Allow Schemes to Be Extended into 2014 – IFA

With applications for all TAMS schemes due to close on December 31st, IFA National Rural Development Committee Chairman Flor McCarthy has called for an extension into 2014 for farmers to apply as the allocation to the schemes will not be spent given that all measures are way below their targeted expenditure.
Flor McCarthy said, “For example, the Dairy Equipment Scheme which has a four-month tranche finishing at the end of 2013 had a projected expenditure of €45m when the scheme was first introduced in 2011. Based on completed applications to date, €10m has been paid out. Under the Sheep Handling and Fencing Scheme less than €1m of the €8m allocated has been used up to date”.
“While there are still a lot of applicants to complete work, a significant amount of money will remain unspent unless the schemes remain open in early 2014 and in advance of a new Farm Investment Scheme in the next Rural Development Plan 2014– 2020.”
On the processing of existing applications, IFA has called for speedier action by the Department of Agriculture to process applications received under the August tranche for the Dairy Equipment Scheme and other TAMS schemes. This is urgent as farmers want to finish necessary work particularly those in dairying who need to have facilities in place in early 2014 when cows commence calving he concluded