Years Farmed Must Qualify Women for TAMS

IFA Farm Family & Social Affairs Chair, Alice Doyle said that if Minister McConalogue is committed to driving gender equality, it is vital that the past contribution of women farmers and the years they have farmed are calculated to qualify for TAMS.
“I am very encouraged by the Minister comments with regards to the importance of gender balance to the long-term sustainable future of Irish farming,” said Alice Doyle.
“The contribution of women to Irish agriculture is significant but often undervalued. It is vital that women farmers are actively encouraged to apply for TAMS and that any barriers to women being able to avail of the scheme are minimised,” she said.
“The increased rate of grant aid to 60% for women aged 41-66 years is an important step to increase women’s participation in farming do not want to see women who have made a significant contribution to farming over many years being excluded from the scheme as they do not have a level 6 certificate,” she added.
“If the Minister is committed to driving gender equality, women’s experience farming must be recognised as a qualifying criterion under TAMS,” she concluded.