IFA Policy Updates & Documents

The following are IFA’s policy and position papers for the range of sector and cross-sectoral policy areas that affect our members.

Expand each section by clicking on the ‘+’ to read more.

Sectoral Policy Documents

IFA Dairy Calf Husbandry Policy 2023

IFA Response to draft Data Sharing Agreement between Bord Bia & DAFM re: Slaughter of Young Calves 2023

IFA Submission to Agriculture Water Quality Working Group August 2023

Minister must revisit Nitrates Derogation Condition March 2023

IFA Response to Revised Report of the Food Vision Dairy Group of 23 May 2022

IFA Response to First Draft Interim Report of the Food Vision Dairy Group April 2022

IFA Submission to Food vision Dairy Group March 2022

Nitrates Action Plan Strategic Environmental Assessment Submission 2022

Nitrates Action Plan Natura Impact Statement Submission 2022

Nitrates Action Plan 2nd Stage Submission 2021

Submission on the Renewal of the Use of Creosote 2021

Managing Dairy Calves

Dairy Council Report March 2021

Submission to Stage 1 Public Consultation on 4th Review of Ireland’s Nitrates Action Plan

Vulnerability Assessment of the Irish Dairy Sector 2021

Submission on the Introduction of Mandatory Sick Pay for all Employees 2021

Dairy Council Report December 2020

Dairy Council Report October 2020

Dairy Council Report September 2020

Dairy Council Report July 2020

Dairy Council Report May 2020

2020 IFA Submission on Public Consultation on the General Scheme of Employment Permits Bill

2017 Submission on review of highly skilled and ineligible lists of employments

2016 IFA Submission to Dairy Forum 9th March 2016


2015 IFA Opening Statement to Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture on Dairy

2015 The Case for a Review of the EU Dairy Intervention Prices

2014 IFA submission on draft statutory instrument re. milk producer organisations

2014 IFA Guiding Principles for Milk Supply Agreements

2014 IFA – Guidelines for the post 2015 relationship between co-ops and shareholders

2011 Submission on Code of Practice for Designated Grocery Goods Undertakings

2011 IFA Submission to the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland

Submission on the Renewal of the Use of Creosote 2021

Potato Council Report March 2021

IFA Contribution to the European Commission Inception Impact Assessment on the Revision of EU Marketing Standards 2021

IFA Submission Section 3 of the European Communities (Wildlife Act 1976)

Submission on the Introduction of Mandatory Sick Pay for all Employees 2021

Potato Council Report December 2020

Potato Council Report October 2020

Potato Council Report September 2020

Potato Council Report July 2020

Potato Council Report May 2020

2020 IFA submission on the Combined Roadmap for the Evaluation of the EU Legislation on the Sustainable Use of Pesticides and Inception Impact Assessment for the Possible Revision of this Legislation

2020 Wood Pidgeon Derogation

2020 IFA Submission to Public Consultation on the Transposition of the UTP Directive

2020 IFA submission to Low Pay Commission Consultation 2021

2020 Key Issues Consultation Paper in Relation to a Review of the use of Peat in the Horticultural Industry

2020 IFA Submission Opening of Work Permit Pilot Programme

2020 IFA Submission on Public Consultation on the General Scheme on Employment Permits Bill

2020 COVID-19 – Information for Horticultural Producers

2019 Key Steps to Securing a Work Permit Online

2019 IFA Submission to the Public Consultation on DAFM Plant Health and Biosecurity Strategy

2019 IFA Submission to Low Pay Commission Consultation 2020

2019 Investment Aid Scheme for Horticulture

2018 IFA Submission to Casual Trading Act Review

2017 Submission to the Low Pay Commission Consultation on Board Lodgings

2017 IFA Submission on National Strategy & Environmental Framework for PO’s in the Fruit & Vegetable Sector

2016 Labour Review of Horticulture in Ireland

2015 Submission on Consultation re. Garden Plants

2015 IFA Submission to Grocery Regulations Consultation

2015 Measures to support the development of the Irish craft-cider sector

IFA Submission – Opening of Work Permit Pilot Programme July 2021

Submission on the Renewal of the Use of Creosote 2021

Horticulture Council Report March 2021

IFA Contribution to the European Commission Inception Impact Assessment on the Revision of EU Marketing Standards 2021

IFA Submission Section 3 of the European Communities (Wildlife Act 1976)

Submission on the Introduction of Mandatory Sick Pay for all Employees 2021

Horticulture Council Report December 2020

Horticulture Council Report October 2020

Horticulture Council Report September 2020

Horticulture Council Report July 2020

Horticulture Council Report May 2020

2020 IFA submission on the Combined Roadmap for the Evaluation of the EU Legislation on the Sustainable Use of Pesticides and Inception Impact Assessment for the Possible Revision of this Legislation

2020 Wood Pidgeon Derogation

2020 IFA Submission to Public Consultation on the Transposition of the UTP Directive

2020 IFA submission to Low Pay Commission Consultation 2021

2020 Key Issues Consultation Paper in Relation to a Review of the use of Peat in the Horticultural Industry

2020 IFA Submission Opening of Work Permit Pilot Programme

2020 IFA Submission on Public Consultation on the General Scheme on Employment Permits Bill

2020 COVID-19 – Information for Horticultural Producers

2019 Key Steps to Securing a Work Permit Online

2019 IFA Submission to the Public Consultation on DAFM Plant Health and Biosecurity Strategy

2019 IFA Submission to Low Pay Commission Consultation 2020

2019 Investment Aid Scheme for Horticulture

2018 IFA Submission to Casual Trading Act Review

2017 Submission to the Low Pay Commission Consultation on Board Lodgings

2017 IFA Submission on National Strategy & Environmental Framework for PO’s in the Fruit & Vegetable Sector

2016 Labour Review of Horticulture in Ireland

2015 Submission on Consultation re. Garden Plants

2015 IFA Submission to Grocery Regulations Consultation

2015 Measures to support the development of the Irish craft-cider sector

Cross-Sectoral Policy Documents

Information Note on the proposed increases to Water Charges 2024

IFA Response to Draft National Biomethane Strategy March 2024

IFA Submission to Agriculture Water Quality Working Group August 2023

IFA Thomond Park Declaration

Citizens Assembly Biodiversity Report Briefing Note

Submission to the Citizens’ Assembly on Biodiversity Loss 

Minister must revisit Nitrates Derogation Condition March 2023

Submission to the National Bioeconomy Action Plan 2023

Submission to the Public Consultation on the Draft River Basin Management Plan 2022 – 2027

Submission to the Public Consultation on Carbon Budgets

Nitrates Action Plan Strategic Environmental Assessment Submission 2022

Nitrates Action Plan Natura Impact Statement Submission 2022

Nitrates Action Plan 2nd Stage Submission 2021

IFA Amendments to Climate Action Bill to protect Irish agriculture 2021

IFA Submission to Climate Action Plan 2021

National Recovery & Resilience Plan Consultation 2021

Environment & Rural Affairs Council Report March 2021

Submission to Stage 1 Public Consultation on 4th Review of Ireland’s Nitrates Action Plan

IFA submission to Public Consultation on the Microgeneration Support Scheme 2021

Submission to Public Consultation on the National Air Pollution Control Programme (NAPCP) 2021

Economic & Rural Affairs Council Report December 2020

Environment & Rural Affairs Council Report October 2020

Environment & Rural Affairs Council Report September 2020

Environment & Rural Affairs Council Report July 2020

Environment & Rural Affairs Council Report May 2020

2020 IFA Waste Action Plan Submission

2020 IFA submission – EU Farm to Fork Strategy

2019 Public consultation re. Draft Code of Good Agricultural Practice for reducing Ammonia Emissions from Agriculture

2019 IFA Submission to Nitrates Derogation Review

2018 IFA submission on water abstraction to the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government

2018 IFA submission on proposed South Kerry Greenway to An Bord Pleanála

2018 IFA submission to the Law Reform Commission of Ireland’s review of current law on CPOs


2018 IFA’s submission to the public consultation on the National Energy & Climate Plan 2021-2030 Ireland