Local Elections 2024

Find out where your Local Election candidates stand on farmers’ pressing issues and challenges

As part of our campaign, Enough is Enough, we have identified five key asks in our Election Manifesto under the acronym PLACE:

  • Planning
  • Residential Zoned Land Tax
  • Ash Dieback
  • Connectivity
  • Environmental Inspections.

We asked local election candidates to indicate whether or not they support the Association’s position on these critical issues. Our 70,000+ members will need to know where candidates stand on farmers’ pressing issues and challenges.  

If you are a Local Election candidate that hasn’t completed this survey and would like to participate, please see here for more details.

We asked candidates if they support IFA’s position across the following asks.


A much more efficient planning process is required. Planning objections should not be allowedfrom outside the local area. Flooding works must be fast-tracked. Development levies are punitive in some counties and should be suspended for rural dwellings (new and extensions to existing) and on-farm environmental investments.

Residential Zoned Land Tax

Actively farmed land must be exempt from the Residential Zoned Land Tax (RZLT). It is penal, unjust, and disproportionate. Farmers challenging the RZLT maps and/or applying to Local Authorities to have their land de-zoned must be accommodated without being disadvantaged.

Ash Dieback

An urgent Roadside Ash Dieback scheme is needed to safely remove diseased trees. It is a costly and dangerous operation. Farmers need support to provide traffic management during felling, and financial support to engage suitably qualified professionals to safely fell the trees.


More investment in roads, broadband, and phone coverage is required. We need real investment in these essential services to keep people in rural areas and encourage new people into rural Ireland.

Environmental Inspections

Local Authorities intend to carry out over 4,500 environmental inspections on farms by 2025. Each Local Authority needs to agree on a Protocol for farm inspections with the IFA.

In the table below, scroll left and right to see the responses from candidates across the key IFA asks.

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Alternatively results can be filtered by topic by tapping on the headers in each column.

Candidate Responses