Beef & Sheep UpdateCattleCattle PricesSheepSheep Prices

Beef & Sheep Update 30th July

Cattle and Sheep in Wickow Field

Beef Update

IFA Livestock chairman Brendan Golden said market conditions for beef should be favourable for the remainder of the year as markets and buying patterns start to return to more normal activity. Supplies of finished cattle will be tight for the rest of the year with numbers back to-date by over 67,000 head with the annual kill predicted to be back a further 50,000 head by year end to a total of 110 – 120,000 less slaughter cattle available than 2020. Strong performance of the live export trade to Northern Ireland for store and finished cattle, which is expected to continue into the back end, is adding vital competition for farmers and ensuring numbers of finished cattle will be tight up to year end. 42,655 cattle have been exported to NI this year already which is an increase of 13,896 on 2020.

Beef Price Update 29/07/21

Prices steady. Steer base €4.25/4.35kg. Heifers €4.30/4.40kg. Higher deals larger lots. Y Bulls R/U €4.30/4.40kg. Cows €3.60/4.00kg.

Supply Figures as Reported by DAFM  – Week 29 (19.07.2021)

AnimalNumberChange prev. wk.% of totalYTDYTD Change
Y Bulls2,147▲1007%81,993▼-13,765 
Cow7381▼-895 22%195,160▼-1,646 
Heifer8,650▼-59 26%263,069▼-28,946 

Official Irish Prices as Reported by DAFM – Week 29 (19.07.2021)

c/kg (Incl. VAT)U3Change prev. wk.R3Change prev. wk.O3Change prev. wk.P+3Change prev. wk.
Y Bulls446▼-5 434▼-3 416▲1407▲3

Official GB Prices as Reported by AHDB

 SteersSteersHeifersHeifersY bullY bullCow
Change▲4▲3▲3▲1▲2▼-0 ▲1
Price in c/kg (Incl VAT)                511.4514.2510.9512.8503.6500.3387.6

Euro Price for the Most Recent Week  (€/KG Deadweight excl. VAT)

Country & Type13.07.201918.07.202017.07.2021
EU + Y Bulls€ 3.48€ 3.48€ 3.84
IE + Steers€ 3.59€ 3.71€ 4.26
UK + Steers € 3.70€ 4.04€ 4.77

Live Exports W/C 12.07.2021

Source: BordBia

Sheep Update

IFA Sheep committee chairman Sean Dennehy said the outlook for lamb prices is positive. He said significant numbers of lambs were moved in the past few weeks to meet demand for the Eid festival. In addition, he said farmers have moved lambs at lighter weights this year with average carcase weights back .5kg for the year. This has reduced the volume of sheep meat in the market place, a situation replicated in the UK and ensures there will not be a glut of lambs to come out. Breeding sales will be starting and combined with the strong store trade will provide competition to factories for lambs. Farmers should sell hard and continue to move lambs as they become fit to maximise returns.

Lamb Price Update 29/07/21

Spring Lamb €6.20/6.40/kg. Higher deals groups and larger lots. Good Demand. Sell Hard. Ewes €3.30/3.60kg.

Supply Figures as Reported by DAFM – Week 29 (19.07.2021)

AnimalFigureChangeYTDYTD Change
Lambs/Hoggets215▼-227 695,027▼-91,705 
Spring Lambs55,216▼-16,412 552,805▲17,846
Ewes and Rams8,751▲2,890168,944▼-18,915 
Light Lambs0▲0105▲63
TOTAL64,182▼-13,749 1,416,881▼-92,711 

Official Irish Prices as Reported by DAFM – Week 29 (19.07.2021)

c/kg (Incl. VAT)This week Changeprev. wk2020Change prev. yr
National Avg Price615.89▼-17 531.92▲84
YTD Avg681.51▼-2 528.84▲153

Official GB Prices as Reported by AHDB

 R3L Overall SQQ*Type of lamb
17/06/2021548.7548.5New season
24/07/2021558.1560.5New season
Price in c/kg (Incl VAT)693.4696.3 
Source: BordBia

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