The total volume traded on EEX last week (25/09/2024) was 5,240 tonnes with 2,290 tonnes trading over butter and 2,950 tonnes trading over SMP.
EEX Butter futures were weaker with average price of Oct 24- May 25 strip coming in at €7,392, down 2.7%.
EEX SMP was down by 1.8% overall last week, and the average price over the Oct 24-May 25 strip moved to €2,643.
EEX Whey’s Oct 24- May 25 strip was down 2.7% to an average price of €953.
EU Quotations – 25th September It was a mixed week for the European Quotations with all products moving higher except SMP.
Butter was up €193 to €8,260 posting another new 5-year record. Butter index is now €3,717 (+81.8%) above Y/Y.
SMP was down €3 (-0.1%) to €2,607. SMP’s average price is now €294 (+12.7%) above Y/Y.
Whey was up €40 (+4.8%) to €882. Whey is now €185 (+26.5%) above Y/Y.
WMP was up €67 (+1.5%), to €4,438. WMP is now +€1,043 (+30.7%) above Y/Y.