There was no change to Irish pig price on Friday last with producers reporting quotes ranging from €2.08 – €2.12 available from processors in ROI. The SPP (Standard Pig Price – no premium) in the UK reported by AHDB currently is £2.036/kg (€2.44/kg), while the APP All Pig Price, the average price for all pigs is £2.06/kg (€2.47/kg).
The EU average price for week 44 for grade E carcass was €1.94/kg excluding vat. This represents a drop of -4% over the past month and is -8.4% behind last year’s EU average price for the same week.
The USDA has released its latest predictions for the areas planted with corn, soybeans, and wheat in the U.S. for the 2025/26 season. According to the forecast, U.S. farmers are expected to increase the corn planting area slightly to 37.2 million hectares (Mha), up from 36.7 million hectares, (Mha), this year. Wheat planting area is predicted to decrease a bit, from 18.7 Mha this season to 18.6 Mha in 2025/26. Lastly, the area for soybeans is expected to drop to 34.4 Mha, compared to 35.2 Mha this year.
The weekly throughput as reported by the DAFM for week ending the 10th of November was 68,331 of which 1,897 were sows.