Pig Market ReportsPigs

Pig Market Update 25th September

There was no change to Irish pig prices on Friday last in ROI processors. Producers are reporting quotes ranging from €2.24 – €2.30 available from processors in ROI. Prices in Northern Ireland and the UK are still strong with strong demand for pigs. The Standard Pig Price in the UK reported by AHDB currently is £205.80/kg (€2.44/kg). This remains pretty much unchanged for most of the year to date.  

In ROI the throughput for week ending the 22nd of September was 63,266 of which 1,784 were sows. 

Wheat and maize supply remain relatively tight globally, with downward price pressures on maize expected due to strong U.S. harvests. Soybean stocks are projected to increase contributing to a potential stabilisation in feed prices, however, there is uncertainty around the implementation of the EUDR and what implications it may have. 

European Pigmeat exports to China have declined on an annual basis by -63% in volume since 2021, while Irish pigmeat exports to China have decreased by -43% since 2021. The Chinese market still remains a very significant export market for EU pigmeat. 

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