There was no announced change to Irish pig prices last Friday however farmers are reporting quotes of €2.38 – €2.42 and upwards available among Irish processing plants. Further unannounced increases were reported across the country which is reflective of the decline in supply of pigmeat in Ireland. The weekly throughput in ROI plants for week ending July 30th was 61,507 of which 1,815 were sows.
Production figures are back over 11% year to date.
The average European price for a grade E carcass pig for week 29 was 249.5c/kg which is 30% higher than prices for the same week last year according to the Commission.
Live hog prices in China are at 16.77 RMB which equates to €2.76/kg at 77%.
Feed wheat futures (Nov-23) have fallen for the fifth consecutive day. US weather continues to be a key market driver as well as markets closely watching and assessing attacks on Ukrainian infrastructure. Market volatility continues as global supply for this season continues to be assessed – with prices reacting to new information.