Pig Market ReportsPigs

Pig Price Increase Warranted

Irish pig prices remained below €1.40c/kg with an average price quoted to regular suppliers of €1.38c/kg, but there has been some positive movement in price, granted small movement in the last week but never the less, from small beginnings we must rise.

The German market has remained 17/cg above the Irish quoted price at 1.55c/kg, and our nearest neighbours, and biggest import market, the UK, is 20 c/kg above the Irish price. IFA Pigs chairman, Tom Hogan called on every pig farmer to not accept the same price, and demand an increase. “Pig farmers have taken too much, the damage done over the past number of weeks to the pig sector of Ireland will take a long time to repair, with a number of pig units closing its doors and stopping insemination due to the deteriorating, financial situation even on the most efficient units”.

Export Plants:  Top prices on a flat rate basis </= 140cent/kg in Karro and </= €138cent/kg in Dawn,  Staunton’s and Rosderra and </=€138cent/kg in Kepak.

Sows:   50 – 55c/kg DW.

Weekly Slaughterings Week-ending 26/08/2017

Pigs: 65,202

Sows: 2,038


Irish price                                            €1.38kg

EU–27 average price                         €1.42kg

(Grade E pigs – 55% to 60% lean meat excluding VAT but including transport and bonuses).

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