PotatoPotato Market Reports

Potato Market Update 13th September

Unseasonal hot weather last week subdued the market slightly however, there are signs that this is recovering already this week. As Queens supply continues to tighten, demand for Kerr Pinks is buoyant. The eating quality of Kerr Pinks is reported to be excellent. Yields are highly variable with early planted crops performing well but later crops yielding very average at best. 

In the U.K demand has been subdued due to the hot weather and there has been some pressure on pricing, but more growers are now considering storage if quotes are on the lower side. 

In Europe it has been suggested that as far as next season is concerned, the availability of seed is likely to have a strong influence on the ware area planted next year and there are independent suggestions that some growers have let seed bulk up to make the most of the perceived stronger market for ware. Physical prices are under some pressure but there are signs that the recent downward trend has started to level off. Good demand from Poland, Spain and Italy is expected to build as the season progresses.

Rooster box (new season)€600€650€625
Rooster 10kg (new season)€7.50€8.00€7.75
Kerr Pinks 10kg (new season)€8.00€9.00€8.50

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