PotatoPotato Market Reports

Potato Market Update 23rd October

The market has settled well in terms of retail sales. School mid-term break next week should increase demand from the food service sector. Good lifting progress continues to be made around the country as conditions are very good. Correcting dry matter on late planted crops is taking time and skin set is taking time also. Progress is slower in Donegal. Yields continue to be reported to be below last year in most incidences on later planted crops. 

Lifting in Normandy and Belgium has slowed down following further heavy downfalls. In Belgium clearance only around 50% +. Some growers who rely on contractors have not yet started.

In the U.K. good clearance is reported across the region. For crisping varieties, clearance is now put at 70 to 75% overall. Lifting is seriously delayed in South Shropshire and Herefordshire. “Two or three” stores have been unloaded due to fears over keeping quality.

Rooster box â‚¬600€700€650
Rooster 10kg â‚¬7€8€7.50
Chipping Markies (25kg)€13€15€14
Kerr Pinks 10kg â‚¬8€9€8.50

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