PotatoPotato Market Reports

Potato Market Update 26th April

Consumption remains stable and trade for the food service sector should be strong as we approach the May bank holiday weekend. There is a good trade for packing quality material as stocks continue to significantly tighten. Very little planting has taken place in the last week following a period of very unsettled weather, further delaying the planting season. The market for peeling stock is buoyant with prices reported above €300/t.

The planting season remains mostly delayed in Northern Europe due to bleak conditions. Further cold and wet weather shows buyers have come back into the market to secure free buy supplies. Stocks moved significantly higher this week reflecting the surge in physical prices. In the U.K mixed weather reports are shown with some planting progress despite challenging weather conditions.

Rooster box€380€480€430
Rooster 10 kg €4.00€5€4.50

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