PotatoPotato Market Reports

Potato Market Update 5th June

Retail demand and consumption remains firm as mixed weather has bolstered demand. This year’s weather has led to one of the latest planting years on record. Some growers are still finishing plantings in the east and southeast. The majority of planting should be complete in the next week. Small quantities of early planted varieties will be coming onto the market shortly. 

Across Europe buyers are reported to be concerned about the delay in planting. Over the last two weeks there has been little further progress and conditions have worsened in some areas following heavy showers. Last week estimates put the area planted in Belgium at around 50%. In Northern France and Holland, there was still 10 to 15% to complete. Physical prices are quoted higher again as growers ration supplies but also because buyers from Belgium are keen to cover end of season supplies from wherever there are free buy stocks available. 

Rooster box €700€800€750
Rooster 10kg €8.50€9.50€9
Kerr Pinks 10kg €9€10€9.50

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